Tips for Pricing Your Rental

Investing in real estate is a great way to grow your wealth, but you have to make many decisions that can impact your finances. For example, not only do you have to buy property to rent, but you also have to deal with maintenance costs, contracts and leases, and figuring out how much to charge for rent

Pricing your rental correctly the first time can help you save money on marketing and prevent your property from staying vacant for too long. However, many landlords often price their rentals incorrectly, which can deter would-be renters from even applying. There are many things to consider before you set the price of rent. Here are tips for how to price your rental to help you reach more prospective tenants and fill your vacancy. 

Look at Comparable Properties

Whether you’re a landlord for a house or an apartment complex, you need to know how much similar properties in the area charge for rent to help you stay competitive. Focus only on rentals similar to yours. For example, there’s no reason for your rent to be equal to the rent of a house that offers more square footage. Instead, look for properties that are as similar as possible and in the same neighborhood. Features to consider include the number of beds and baths, types of homes, new construction, and rental upgrades

You can find comparables online or work with a realtor who can help you understand the different price points in the area if you’re unfamiliar with a certain city or neighborhood. Of course, you can also use sites that help people find rental properties like Zillow.


Renters are willing to pay more for better amenities. Therefore, you shouldn’t price all of your units the same even if they have the same number of bedrooms unless they are exactly the same. Ultimately, the rent price should depend on the desirability of the unit. For example, someone in an apartment complex will be willing to pay more for a unit on the end because there are fewer neighbors and more windows. Therefore, even though their unit is exactly the same as the one in the middle of the building, they have different features they’re willing to pay for. 

You can typically charge more for a property based on its views. For example, properties with good views instead of a parking lot are typically worth more in the eyes of renters. Additionally, updated appliances, more space, and higher floors are more desirable, allowing you to charge more.


You invested in real estate to make a profit and grow your wealth. So while you must remain competitive, you should also make a return on your investment. Of course, you can’t expect to become cashflow positive quickly in real estate since it’s a long-term investment strategy. Of course, first, you’ll need to pay off the mortgage and deal with monthly bills associated with the business. 

However, eventually, if you price your units correctly, you can start making a profit. Remember that some landlords don’t start making a profit until they’ve had their properties for years or decide to sell them. Your goal should be to price the unit to at least cover your expenses. If you’re losing money on the property, you may have over-invested. 

Market Demand

While the prices on comparable properties will help you price your property correctly, you should also look at the market demand. If there’s more demand, you can increase your rent, but if there’s less demand, a higher price could leave you with a vacancy for longer. Ultimately, when the economy is bad, demand for rentals might increase because people are leaving their homes. However, a bad economy can also mean demand for cheaper apartments because people are downsizing. 

When there’s greater demand for a property or unit, you can charge higher for rent. However, you should reevaluate the demand every few months because it can shift dramatically throughout the year, especially depending on the economy. 


Allowing pets can help you stand out from the competition and help you get more tenants quickly because not all apartments or rentals allow pets. You can charge a non-refundable pet deposit fee and monthly pet rent when you allow pets. Many apartments don’t allow pets because they can damage carpets and walls. 

However, by charging a non-refundable pet deposit, you’ll ensure your unit is covered in case a pet destroyed something. Additionally, people are willing to pay more for an apartment that allows pets because they want to bring their dogs and cats to a new home. 

Increasing Rent 

The cost of rent increases every year, but prices fluctuate frequently. If you’re going to raise the rent, you should determine how much so that you won’t price yourself out of the market. Renters already living in rentals expect their rent to increase every time they sign a new year-long lease. 

However, you can keep your current tenants happy by reducing the amount you raise the rent. For example, a new tenant that just signed a lease should pay more than someone who has lived in the apartment for years because it’s easier and more affordable to keep existing tenants than find new ones. 


We’ve already touched on amenities like beautiful views, but if your rental is in a great location, like Tampa, Florida, with grocery stores and entertainment nearby, your property will likely be worth more than one that requires someone to travel a greater distance. So even though you might not have the most scenic views and your renters may have to look at parking lots or streets, if you have a good location that can help tenants easily get where they need to go, you can typically charge more. 

Final Thoughts

The best thing you can do as a landlord is not price yourself out of the market. Even if your rental offers higher-end amenities and features, you might still be unable to charge as much as you want based on other factors like the economy and location. If you’re unsure how to price your rental, consider working with a local real estate agent who can help you understand all the different factors to consider while helping you compare your rental to the competition. 

Julia Olivas

Julia Olivas graduated from San Francisco State University with her B.A. in Communication Studies. She is a freelance writer where she loves sharing her passion for digital marketing and content creation. Outside of writing, she loves cooking, reading, making art, and her pup Ruby. 

Is Real Estate Investment Worth It

Most people dream of owning their own homes to forget about rising rent costs, start a family, or simply have more space. However, what many people don’t consider is that real estate is a valuable investment. Real estate is a great way to gain financial freedom; frankly, it always has been. Unfortunately, there are very few guarantees when investing, but overall, it’s a safer investment option than high-risk stocks. 

Experts agree that real estate investing is worth it. So whether you’re looking to build wealth or just want to make a return on your investment, here are just ways you can start investing in real estate. 


Homeownership isn’t just a way to get more space or a backyard for children and pets– it’s actually a real estate investment even though it might not feel like it. Real estate is the only type of investment you can use while you get a return on your investment, allowing you to live in the home with your family while building equity. 

Homeownership is one of the best investments you can make for financial security for the future. Not only are you saving money by not having to deal with rent prices that go up yearly, but you’re investing into your future. If you stay in the house for the rest of your life, you won’t have to worry about paying for expensive housing during retirement, and if you choose to sell your house before retirement, you’ll be able to increase your wealth. 

Developing wealth and equity is a long-term investment strategy, so your home will ultimately be an extension of your savings as you pay off your mortgage loan. Then, when you finally go to sell the house or pay it off, you’ll be in an even better financial position because you won’t have to pay the cost of housing.

Purchasing a house is the dream of many, and it’s an investment in real estate that doubles as an investment in yourself. Unfortunately, there are cons to being a homeowner, including high down payments. You should also be careful not to buy a house you might not be able to afford in the long run.


When investing in real estate, you can invest in long-term or short-term rentals to start paying back the mortgage and earning money immediately. Of course, you could end up with horrible tenants, but if you properly background check them, you can set yourself up for success. If you can figure out a way to ensure your tenants can be trusted to properly take care of the rental, you can start making money quickly, even after all your operating expenses are paid. 

While you can’t expect much at first, it can help you pay for other bills, such as your home mortgage or any debts. Long-term rentals are also a good way to increase your retirement income. Ultimately, as tenants pay their rents and the mortgage is paid down, your passive income will slowly grow over time. Eventually, your mortgage will be completely paid off, so you’ll have a larger additional stream of money coming in on top of any other income you make. 

Of course, you can also choose short-term rentals, such as Airbnbs. Airbnb rentals can be a highly lucrative way to earn money. There are cons to short-term renting, though. Long-term rental tenants typically pay more of their own expenses and utilities, but short-term renters do not, which means you’ll be expected to pay all of the bills associated with the prosperity, such as utilities and trash collection. Additionally, you must market your property, which means keeping it in good condition before, after, and during a tenant’s stay. 


If you watch television, you’ve probably already come across a reality show about house flippers that makes it look easy. There are many benefits to house flipping. You can generate money quickly if you can find ways to buy houses at a low price and sell them for much higher. Of course, flipping typically involves renovations, which can get expensive if you don’t hire the right company. Ensure you find a reputable contractor who you trust as they can get you the best field service contractors to help with your house flipping projects.

When flipping a house, there’s no guarantee you’ll make money. However, if you figure out a way to do everything right and get the house back on the market quickly, you can make tens of thousands of dollars a month. 


Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are companies that finance real estate; they trade on major stock exchanges, and investing in them can benefit investors. With trusts, you don’t own any property, so there are virtually no overhead costs or repairs involved. Instead, you can break into the real estate investment industry by becoming a REIT stockholder, which many people already do through their retirement plans. 

Is Real Estate Investing Worth It?

Real estate investing has many benefits, including having a regular income that can help you pay your bills and any other mortgage. Additionally, you can get tax benefits if you turn your investment into a business by becoming a landlord. 

Real estate investments are well worth it if you can afford them. You’ll need to put down a substantial amount of money for every type of real estate investment on this list. For example, if you plan to purchase a house to either rent it out, live in it, or flip it, you’ll need to save enough for a down payment. If you don’t have the money to start investing, there’s no reason to purchase a house you can’t afford, even if you can get a mortgage company to give you a loan. Remember, real estate investing is all about building wealth, not putting your financial future at risk. 

If you don’t already have a house, you may choose to live in your house and let it build equity while you use it. Of course, there are pros and cons to each type of real estate investment, but if you’re willing to do the math and put in the work, you can make a significant amount of money. 

Julia Olivas

Julia Olivas graduated from San Francisco State University with her B.A. in Communication Studies. She is a contributing writer at where she loves sharing her passion for digital marketing and content creation. Outside of writing, she loves cooking, reading, making art, and her pup Ruby.

3D Printing and Homes: A New Era in Housing?

3D printing is an additive manufacturing process that can create complex shapes with the help of a computer. It uses a digital design to create an object layer by layer.

The benefits of 3D printed homes are many, they are environmentally sustainable, they can be created quickly and cheaply, and they can be made to order.

3D printing house is not a new concept in the world of architecture, but it’s becoming increasingly popular as the prices for 3d printers come down.

How to Print a House

3D printing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital model. It adds layer upon layer of material until the object is complete.

The first 3D printer was invented in 1983 by Chuck Hull, and since then it has seen many different applications and uses. 3D printing has come a long way from being just an industrial tool to now being used in our homes.

3D printers are becoming more affordable and available to the general public, so the process of printing houses is not as far away as we think it is. As a matter of fact, it has already started. Several homes were already printed. Usually they are printed in concrete, but also other more environmental friendly materials – like clay or dirt/earth – are very promising to become the next material of choice.

What is already be done on a small scale is scaled up now to print a real home.

The Future of the Housing Market

The future of housing is one of the most debated topics in the world. With a 3d printer and a blueprint, you can print your own house.

The idea of printing houses has been around for a while now, but it was always thought to be too expensive and not worth the investment. However, with 3d printing technology becoming more popular and affordable, it’s possible that this will be the future of housing.

Housing is a significant investment. That is why it is important to be able to know how the housing market will change in the future. The housing market is constantly changing and there are many factors that affect it.

The future of the housing market depends on many factors such as population growth, interest rates, employment rates, etc. The most important factor, however, is the availability of homes for sale.

Conclusion: Future of 3D printing Homes

3D printers are becoming more and more affordable, and it’s not a far-fetched idea to envision a future where we can print our own homes – because it is already here, 3D printed homes have been successfully “printed” in several countries around the globe.

The 3D printer, no doubt, is the future of housing. It is an affordable, sustainable, and efficient way to build homes for everyone in the world.

Mistakes to Avoid Making When Buying a Home

Buying a home is a complicated process. From pre-approval to shopping around and finalizing the deal, homebuyers have a lot to accomplish quickly if they want to snag the house they want off the market. Once you buy your first home, you’ll understand the buying process much easier. However, there are several common mistakes many first-time home buyers make. Here are the mistakes to avoid when buying a home.

Not Getting Pre-Approved

Mortgage pre-approvals are a huge first step when you want to buy a house, and they’re not something you should ever forget to do. Having your pre-approval in hand can improve the odds of your offer getting accepted because it tells sellers that you’ve been approved for a loan, ensuring a smoother selling process. 

Remember, the real estate market is incredibly competitive for buyers and sellers, so if you find a house you love, you’ll want to be able to compete with multiple offers by having your pre-approval in hand that states how much a bank or mortgage lender is willing to loan you for the house. 

Buying a House You Can’t Afford 

Mortgage lenders do their due diligence to ensure borrowers can afford a home. However, you shouldn’t let your mortgage lender predict how much you can truly afford. While they consider your income, debts, and credit history, they don’t have a full picture of your finances like you do. If something doesn’t feel right about buying a house that’s above your budget, don’t buy it. 

Buying a house is likely going to be the biggest purchase you’ll ever make, so there’s no reason to overspend if you know it will put you into financial hardship later in life. 

The good news is you don’t have to spend all of the money a lender is willing to loan you on the house. Instead, you can choose to find a more affordable house that requires a smaller loan, affording you the option of renovating the house or using the money you’ve saved on interior design.

Ignoring Location

Location is important in real estate for several reasons. First, homeowners should choose a location based on their needs and preferences. For example, you probably don’t want your commute to work to take longer than an hour, so you’ll need to shop for houses within a particular radius to ensure you’re not spending too much on gas or taking too much time away from your other priorities. 

Additionally, you should consider access to important places, such as schools, grocery stores, and maybe even shopping malls. If convenience is important and you don’t drive, you will also need to look into access to public transportation. On the other hand, if you own your own vehicle, you may want to look for a house with a garage or covered carport to prevent the need for auto detailing due to tree sap and bird droppings. 

Not Considering Other Costs

While the purchase of the home is the highest cost of homeownership, other costs are associated not only with the sale of the home but the maintenance of it as well. When moving to a new home, you might have to deal with additional expenses immediately to ensure your home is in proper working order. Common costs associated with home ownership include:

Using All Your Money for the Down Payment

It can be tempting to use your entire savings for the downpayment of a home to spend less money over the life of a loan. However, you should always ensure you have enough savings left over to cover your living expenses for at least three to six months. Not spending your entire savings may mean putting less money down on the house, but it ensures you can afford to live in the house and pay your bills in the immediate future and beyond. 

Not Working with a Real Estate Agent

Anyone can buy a house without help. However, working with a real estate agent can be a life-saver for a first-time home buyer. When buyers work with agents, they don’t have to pay anything since the commission on the sale of a house is split between the buyer’s and seller’s agents. Ultimately, there’s no reason not to work with an agent. Real estate agents can help guide you through the entire process, including helping you find the home of your dreams and negotiating purchase price on your behalf. They’ll even handle all of the paperwork for you, making buying a home less stressful for everyone. 

Waiting for Your Dream House

In a competitive real estate market, you have to move quickly to get the house that you want. If you’re not realistic about what you can afford based on your loan amount, you won’t ever find a quality house. No home is going to check every single one of your boxes, so it’s best to understand what your priorities are when shopping for a home. Waiting too long in hopes of finding your perfect home can result in a great house being sold before you even have the chance to put in an offer.

Moving Too Fast

While you don’t want to move too slowly in the homebuying process, you should also never rush your decisions. Buying your first home is exciting, but that doesn’t mean you should rush to purchase the first house you see. Instead, take time to find the property that’s right for you, and don’t settle for something just because it’s available and within your budget. 

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are many mistakes to be made when buying a house. Luckily, working with a real estate agent can help you through the entire process, and it’s free for buyers. Hopefully, knowing these common mistakes can help prevent you from buying a home that’s out of your budget or spending too much on the down payment. Remember, never make decisions based on impulse; instead, do your research and find the best house for you and your family that’s within budget. 

Ashley Nielsen

Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University. She is a contributing writer at where she shares knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, or financial tips. During her free time she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music. 

7 Ways Renters Can Spruce Up Their Home

There are always rules when you’re a renter, including rules for getting approved to be a tenant in the first place. You’re expected to follow strict rules when renting from the credit check to the lease agreement and what you can do in the home. 

As a renter, it might feel like you have limited options for making your rental feel like home. However, renting doesn’t mean there aren’t any options for decorating. If you talk to your landlord, you can find out what types of cosmetic changes are acceptable and which are not. For example, some landlords will not allow you to paint your walls, while others will allow paint as long as you paint it back before you move out. Even if your landlord is strict about how you can decorate your home, there are still tons of things you can do to make it homier. Here are a few ways renters can spruce up their homes. 

1. Paint (If Allowed)

As we’ve mentioned, some landlords will not allow you to paint. However, many landlords understand that their renters will want to paint their walls to make their homes more unique. So if your landlord allows paint, you might just have to deal with painting it back to a white color before you move out. Painting your room is an affordable way to refreshen a space and you can have fun doing it!

If you’re unsure of your lease agreement’s stance on painting, you can always review it or call your landlord to understand the types of cosmetic changes you can make in your home. The good news is that there are options even when you can’t paint your walls. For example, you can use wall decals to make any boring white wall sparkle with personality. You can also invest in peel-and-stick wallpaper that will allow you to completely transform any and every room in your home. Then, when you’re done with the wallpaper, all you have to do is peel it off, and there will be no damage done to the walls. 

2. Spruce Up the Yard

If you’re renting a house or condo and have a yard all to yourself, you can make your rental feel more like home by sprucing up your yard. If you’re allowed, you can start a backyard garden. However, once again, check your lease agreement to understand what changes you can make to the yard. If you want to discuss different options with your landlord, feel free to do so. 

When trying to convince your landlord to let you change the yard in some way, always point out how it can improve the yard, such as adding flowers to the front of the house can add curb appeal. Landlords are more likely to say yes when you can show them how your changes can improve their bottom lines or increase the home’s value. 

3. Upgrade Hardware

Renters can easily upgrade kitchen and bathroom hardware and switch it back when they move out. Replace doorknobs, cabinet pulls, dresser knobs and anything else that you can to add a splash of your personality to any room. Upgrading hardware is affordable and can change the feel of any room. Be careful when changing hardware, though. You’ll need to ask your landlord permission to drill new holes. You can also choose not to replace any hardware with something that would require additional holes. 

4. Window Treatments

Most rentals come with standard, boring blinds that typically break if you try to clean them. However, you can upgrade your rental by changing out your window treatments and replacing boring blinds with curtains. 

Many landlords allow you to add curtains to your home, but be careful about color. Some lease agreements may state that your window treatments must be a certain color or have a certain color, such as white, pointing outward. Luckily, many curtains come with one color for the apartment and white facing outside of the apartment, so you can find a color you love to help spruce up your decor. 

If you need to install a rod to hang your curtains, you can purchase curtain rod brackets that require no drilling or hang your curtain rods with Command™ hooks that won’t damage your walls. 

5. Peel-and-Stick Flooring

We’ve already discussed peel-and-stick wallpaper, but you can also change up the appearance of your kitchen and bathroom floors with peel-and-stick flooring for any room that doesn’t have carpet. By changing the way your floor looks, you can make your bathroom and kitchen look more high-end without spending thousands of dollars on replacing the floors or asking for your landlord’s permission. When you’re done with the flooring, all you have to do is peel it off and replace it with something new to change how your kitchen or bathroom looks. 

6. Add Your Own Photos

You can get any photo on your phone enlarged and printed on a canvas to help add your personal touch to any rental. Whether you want to showcase how cute your pet is or put a large framed picture of your family in your hallway, you can make your home more personal to you even though you don’t own it. When putting your own photos on the walls, be careful not to drill any holes. Instead, you can use Command™ Strips attached to any photo frame and stick your favorite images on your wall. Don’t have any good photos to use? You can create your own art and get it printed!

7. Use Mirrors

Many rentals are smaller than we want them to be, but you can make your space feel bigger by adding mirrors. Mirrors are a cost-effective way to make any room feel larger. When deciding where to put your mirror, look for places that can bounce natural light off of them and reflect the outdoors. Depending on your preferences, you can use any shape of mirror you want, or you can choose a variety of different mirrors for one space. 

Final Thoughts

Being a renter means having fewer options when it comes to decorating your home, but that doesn’t mean you can’t add your own style to your apartment or rental house. There are many ways to transform a space, including the use of color, designs, and wall art to make your rental feel like your home.

Ashley Nielsen

Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University. She is a contributing writer at where she shares knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, or financial tips. During her free time she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music. 

9 Renter-Friendly Improvements on a Budget

When you move to an apartment, you might feel like there’s no way to make your new home feel like it’s truly yours. With so many rules in your lease about what you can and can’t do to the aesthetics of the home, it can seem like you’re left with almost no options to decorate your home. Luckily, there are a few renter-friendly improvements you can make that are affordable and allow you to be a good tenant. Here are cheap renter-friendly improvements you can make on a budget. 

1. Clean

When you first move in, the home is already clean. However, as you start living there, eventually, dust and dirt will begin to accumulate. Of course, your landlord and previous tenant may not have done the best job of cleaning, so you still might want to clean the floors and walls before you move in heavy furniture. Whenever you choose to clean, a deep clean can make your home feel brighter and fresher to help you come up with the best design plans despite your limited space. 

2. Paint

Giving your rental a fresh coat of paint can make a dramatic difference because it makes your rental unique. You can choose to paint one wall or all the walls in your home to brighten it up or give it more personality. Of course, always check your lease agreement before painting. There might be a clause stating that you cannot make any cosmetic changes, including painting, to the home without written consent from your landlord. With some rentals, your lease will state that you can paint as long as you paint your home back before moving out to ensure the next tenant has a blank canvas. 

If you’re not allowed to paint at all, there are still ways to dress up your walls. For example, you can use peel-and-stick wallpaper to create a feature wall in your home. There are many design and color options for peel-and-stick wallpaper that can transform any room of your home, and it’s less messy and labor-intensive than painting. 

3. Consider Furniture

If your home came furnished, you could save money on furniture by investing in a slipcover that can help keep the sofa clean while also allowing you to add a pop of color to your living room. Of course, many rentals don’t come furnished, so you can also add a slipcover to your old sofa if you don’t have enough money to buy a new one. 

If you have the budget, you can go shopping as soon as you’ve decided on the design plan for your home. A new sofa can bring life and a little bit of your personality to a boring living room, and there are tons of options to choose from to help you make your rental feel like home

4. Upgrade Your Bed

Did you know? Your mattress should be replaced every seven to ten years, depending on the type of mattress it is. If you haven’t replaced your mattress in a while, moving to a new home is the perfect time to get a larger bed to find a mattress that can help you sleep comfortably every night. After you’ve picked out your new mattress, look for sheets, throw blankets, and a duvet that can help add color to your bedroom. 

Upgrading your old sheets can help you feel more comfortable, and depending on the types of sheets you get, you can make your bedroom feel like you’re staying at a luxury hotel. 

5. Get Rugs

Not every rental will have beautiful hardwood flooring, so you can get a rug to put on top of ugly carpet or stained flooring to help brighten the place up while covering up any eyesores. You can put a rug around your bed and couch to complete the spaces and give yourself and your guests a comfy place to put their feet when standing up. 

6. Curtains

Rentals typically come with cheap blinds that don’t keep the sun out and may even break. You can spruce up your apartment on a budget by hanging your own curtains to add a pop of color to your walls, especially if you can’t paint. If you live somewhere that gets hot in the summer, you can get blackout curtains to help keep the sun out so your rental can stay cool, helping you to save money on your electricity bills.

7. Replace the Shower Head

Rentals typically come with the cheapest, least effective showerheads. Replacing the showerhead is easy, and anyone can do it, allowing you to get the water pressure you need to relax after a long day or before work. The best part about upgrading your showerhead is that it’s completely reversible. When you move out, you can put the old shower head back on and take yours with you to your next home. 

8. Grow a Garden

If you’re renting an apartment, you likely don’t have a yard where you can grow your own garden. However, you can start a balcony garden by researching what types of plants you can grow based on where the sun hits your home. Then, depending on what you have available, you can use a mix of hanging plants and potted plants to make your balcony feel more like an oasis. A garden can also give you a great view from the inside if your balcony faces a parking lot or street. 

9. Add Shelving

Shelving is a great way to save space without having to put your belongings in storage. If you don’t want to hang shelves and potentially cause holes or damage to the walls, you can get standing shelves for your bedroom and living room, giving you a place for all your books and trinkets. 

Final Thoughts

Even though you can’t do any major renovations on a rental, you can still find affordable ways to make it feel like a home. Before you start redesigning your apartment, consider the current layout. If you don’t have a layout of the apartment, you can ask your landlord for a printout to help you draw out places to put furniture and make the floorplan open and breezy while saving space. 

Ashley Nielsen

Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University. She is a contributing writer at where she shares knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, or financial tips. During her free time she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music. 

How to Fight Silverfish in Your House

We’ve all probably encountered them already at some stage, these small, wingless insects that are nocturnal and eat paper, fabric, and other organic substances. Yes, we are talking about silverfish. They are not exactly harmful but if they are too many it can be disturbing. So, let’s see how to fight silverfish infestations.

One way to fight silverfish is to use a vacuum cleaner to suck them up. You can also use a dustpan or a broom to sweep them up. The next step is to place the silverfish in a plastic bag and seal it tightly before throwing it away in an outdoor trash bin.

The Best Way to Control an Infestation of Silverfishes

Silverfish are one of the most common household pests and can be difficult to get rid of. However, there are a few tried and true methods that will help you get rid of silverfishes for good.

Don’t let an infestation of silverfish take over your home! Follow these simple steps to control them and keep them away for good.

There are two main ways to control an infestation of silverfish: physical removal or chemical treatment. You can use store-bought chemicals like boric acid or diatomaceous earth, or you can use natural substances like vinegar, dish soap, or boiling water.

You can buy traps or make your own traps to capture silver fish and kill them off. Some people use an empty cereal box with sugar or potato peels as a bait to make a simple trap. Others smear some honey on a paper – when the silver fish comes to feed on the honey it gets glued to it and is trapped.

How To Prevent A Silver Fish Infestation In Your Home

Silverfish are famous for their ability to eat through paper, clothes, and other organic materials. They can also survive in areas where there is little water. If you have a silverfish infestation in your home, it can be difficult to get rid of them. However, there are some preventative measures that you can take to keep them from coming back.

You should start by looking for any sources of moisture or food that attracts the silverfish. You should also make sure that your home is well ventilated so the silverfish will not have too much moisture to feed on.

Conclusion: How To Fight Silverfish

Silverfish can be a hard pest to get rid of because they are very resilient. They can go weeks without food and water. Also, they are not deterred by chlorine or most other common household poisons.

To prevent an infestation of silverfish, it is important to clean your home thoroughly. This includes vacuuming all carpets, removing cobwebs from ceilings, and cleaning up all spilled food in the kitchen. Silverfish are attracted to these areas so it is important that you make sure these areas are clean at all times.

One way to fight silverfish is by using a borax-based product in the cracks of your bathroom or kitchen tiles. This will dry out the silverfish eggs and kill them before they hatch. Another way to prevent an infestation of silverfish is by using an organic insecticide, such as neem oil or rosemary oil.

6 Ways to Add Space to Your Home that Won’t Break the Bank

Nobody wants to live in a cramped and congested environment, so making your home as spacious as possible is important. While some can afford a large home or apartment, not everyone can. It’s possible to create more storage in existing areas of your home if you take a look around.

It’s common for people to want to get the most out of their homes. With a limited budget and time, it may seem impossible to transform your space completely. But with these six simple tweaks, you can go a long way.

1. Consider Storing Things on Your Stairwell

With a staircase in your home, you can use it to store items. It’s possible to make good use of the under-stairs space by storing old items there or by designing your own storage solutions. This is an excellent option if you decide to repurpose silo house buildings and give them a new lease on life.

Here are a few ideas for maximizing the utility of the area beneath your stairwell:

Construct A Wine Rack

Install a wine rack under your stairwell if you don’t have the space for one. There is a lot of potential in using an empty staircase to showcase booze.

Create a Stairwell Room

It’s possible to adapt a large staircase into a study or office. You’ll prefer a sedate setting when you want to concentrate on anything, like reading or working.

Make a Cabinet

Adding some drawers, storage racks, and other compartments will help you make the most of your available storage space. You may discover amazing ideas on building your built-in drawers on the internet, or you can purchase one at a home furnishings store. If you have alternate tread stairs, you’ll want to make the space more functional by customizing it to your preferences.

2. Make the Most of Your Bedroom’s Available Space

You may not have a lot of space in your bedroom, but there are a number of creative and easy methods you may arrange your belongings. For small homes, this is the case. You make sure to maximize every square inch of space so that you don’t waste any of it.

Use the Extra Closet Space You Have

There may still be unused spots in your cabinets. You may need to reorganize your clothing and other possessions to free up some space.

Utilize The Space Under Your Mattress

Making use of the space under your bed is an excellent method to maximize the space in your room. By burying your belongings beneath the bed, you may clear up space in your cupboards and drawers. As an option, you may buy storage boxes that are designed to fit, have drawers under your bed, or get a bed that can be partitioned. With this idea, it’s time to move into your small home or silo structure and enjoy the new space you created.

3. Maximize the bathroom’s storage capacity.

In most cases, only one person at a time uses a restroom. Hence it’s usually sparsely stocked. No matter whether your bathroom is large or small, the following suggestions will help you make the most of your available space:

Add Mirrors to the Room

Adding mirrors to your bathroom will provide the illusion of more space and lighten the atmosphere. Excessively large mirrors should be avoided. It’s enough to have a medicine cabinet and a mirror on the sink to get by.

Unclutter the Floor

Towels and toiletries may also be hidden in clever ways. To free up space, you might place it beneath the vanity. The appearance of a larger bathroom may be created by increasing the amount of floor space.

Add Hooks for Mounting

You may hang your towels on mounting hooks installed behind the bathroom door when not in use. It would be ideal since it is concealed while the door is open.

4. Take Advantage of the Corners

If you’re tight on room, make use of the corners of your home. With built-in shelving or a desk in an awkward corner, you’ll be able to utilize the space you already have better. For those who don’t need storage space, consider a comfortable seating area in a corner. Your house will seem more practical and roomier due to using this previously underutilized area. If you want to live in a space-saving home, you need to make the most of every square inch.

5. Make Use of The Rooms That Aren’t Frequently Used for Storage

You can store stuff in your basement or attic if you have one. You may utilize this shelf unit to keep groceries that don’t fit in your kitchen cupboards. It’s also where you keep your old goods and furnishings.

To ensure that you can easily locate an item when you need it, be sure to arrange and identify your belongings carefully. Getting rid of stuff you no longer need might also assist.

Clear the Way to the Front Door

The personality of a family is reflected in their front door. Overcrowding the entryway can make the place seem claustrophobic. When entering, everyone in your party should be able to walk about freely.

When your house is cluttered, it will seem out of date. Furthermore, it will accumulate dirt, making your whole house seem much older than it is.

You may make the most of this space by setting up a waiting area where you can sit and store your children’s backpacks before they go to school.

6. Be Consistent 

Even while this isn’t a space-saving trick, it will give the impression that your room is much more significant. You must stick to one color palette in a small room or house. If you maintain a unified aesthetic across the area, it will seem to be much bigger than it really is. You may use whatever hue you choose, as long as it’s not too dark and stays neutral or quiet.

You don’t want to make a room seem smaller and more confined by painting it in a dark tone. Certain home renovation ideas may not be a good fit if you have a limited area. For example, your desire for a smaller house may be hampered if the current fashion is for dark woods and gloomy colors.


If you use these easy suggestions, you may get a better sense of how much space you really have. The stairs are a great location to start, since they provide various storage options.

The attic or basement might be used for storage if you have the space. Colors on the walls, kinds of shelving, and even the placement of mirrors may all be utilized to make a room seem more significant. If you don’t have the time to create your own organizations, you may utilize these tricks or purchase pre-made ones.

When it comes to getting rid of your belongings, a strategy is vital. To prevent becoming sidetracked and quitting up in the midst of a job, focus on one area at a time in your house. Whenever you’re debating whether or not to retain anything, try it out first and see whether it makes you happy. It’s okay if it doesn’t, just say thank you for the experience and go on.

Author: Bob Kappas

4 Easy Ways to Save on Your Utility Bill Next Month

Did you know that the United States has increased solar energy use by 22 percent? Undoubtedly, people across the country are looking for ways to reduce their utility bill since the price of traditional energy sources like electricity or gas has skyrocketed in the past years. And one effective way of reducing that cost is by having a home with energy efficiency.

Would you like to reduce your monthly utility bill payment? If so, we invite you to continue reading since we’ll give you some practical home energy efficiency tips.

1. Wash Your Clothes in Cold Water

One of the best ways to lower utility payments is to wash your clothes in cold water rather than hot. As you can imagine, the amount of energy it takes to heat an hour-long wash can amount to several dollars per minute. Moreover, most homeowners recommend using cold water since certain stains can set into fabrics when washed in hot water.

You can also purchase an energy efficient home washer machine that better manages energy consumption. But, the newer models are quite expensive, so don’t expect to find a cheap one!

2. Use Solar Panels

As mentioned in the introduction, many homeowners in the United States have switched to solar energy since it saves them money in the long run. Additionally, solar install cost has dramatically lowered, especially since governments grant tax refunds to homeowners that choose solar energy. On top of that, energy efficient homes with solar panels are worth a lot more, which means you can sell your house for more than it’s worth.

3. Start Using Smart Power Strips

Most people don’t know that power strips continue to use energy even if there’s nothing plugged into it. And while that extra bit of energy that the power strip consumes may seem insignificant, it’ll add up at the end of the year. The good news is that there are plenty of smart power strips that are made for energy efficient homeowners.

These power strips automatically shut off while nothing is plugged into them.

4. Put Your Devices to Sleep

Another way to reduce energy bill payments is to set your devices to sleep mode while not in use. For example, you can put your computer or gaming console to sleep mode if you’re not going to use it for several hours. Moreover, TVs are also known to waste energy, so try to unplug these devices while you sleep.

Reduce Your Utility Bill Payment With These Simple Steps

As you can see, there are several ways you can reduce your utility bill payment. But, of course, it takes time to transform a home into an energy-efficient one, so don’t feel dishearten if you don’t see any results. And don’t forget to bookmark this post so that you can refer to it in the future!

Did you find these tips helpful in having an energy efficient home? If so, our blog features plenty of other home-related articles that you may find helpful, so be sure to check them out! 

Author: Steffy Alen

Are you also looking for a cheap house for sale to reduce costs of living? Then have a look at

The Impact of War in Ukraine on House Prices

The war in Ukraine has had a significant impact on most economies around the globe – therefore it comes as no surprise that it also affects house prices.

Higher House Prices Due to Inflation

Especially, the conflict has led to an increase in inflation rates, you probably already noticed it, no matter which country you live in. In some countries – due to this inflation – prices are increasing faster than wages. As a result, people are getting poorer and possibly can’t afford to buy houses anymore.

Many people already gave up looking for the cheapest property for sale. There still are some out there but usually those are in need of some work and further investment to be able to live in them or rent them out.

The cheap houses for sale, now seems to be those that were just a normal price before. Especially in bigger cities there is a shortage of housing. Also, when it comes to creating new housing, they are usually luxurious expensive stuff – as there is just a lot more money to be made.

How the War in Ukraine Affects House Prices of Newly builds

First the pandemic and now war, those has been major factors in the shortage of building materials. This in turn has led to a considerable increase in the price of new build houses all around the globe.

Also the increase in gas and energy prices have been a great hit in the market. Running machinery on the construction site, having to pay higher wages – all of this contributes to an considerable increase.

This might be felt stronger in some countries than in others.

What are the Effects of War on Housing Markets?

Housing markets are always affected by wars. The effects of war on the housing market depend on a lot of factors, including the duration and intensity of the war, the location of the war, and how it affects other countries and other aspects of life.

War can lift housing markets in some cases. For example, during World War II there was a shortage in construction materials like steel and timber. This led to higher prices for these materials and an increase in demand for homes as people wanted to buy houses before they became too expensive.

However, most wars have negative effects on housing markets. For example, during World War I there was an economic depression that led to lower demand for homes because people were not earning enough money to afford them.

Conclusion: The Impact of War on House Prices

The conflict has led to a significant shortage of houses and higher prices for those that are available. This is due to the increased cost of construction materials, as well as the number of refugees fleeing from the conflict zone. These people need housing but there is not enough supply, leading to higher prices and shortages.

If you have a house for sale, now is a good time to get a good price for us.

List your house for free.