The Effects of Dirty Air Ducts on Your Family’s Health

If you’re concerned about the indoor air quality of your home, one of the most effective ways to improve it is by cleaning and maintaining your home’s heating and cooling system, including the air ducts in your home. In fact, dirty air ducts have been shown to have some serious adverse effects on your family’s health, such as asthma and allergies, respiratory diseases, and even cancer! To help you learn more about this issue, here are four things you should know about dirty air ducts.

Why dirty air ducts matter

Clean air ducts keep pollutants away from your body. If they’re dirty, you could breathe in mold, bacteria, and dust mites that would otherwise stay in your HVAC system. These contaminants can cause allergic reactions and other respiratory problems. In fact, when people suffer from asthma or allergies, it’s often due to poor indoor air quality. Regularly cleaning your air ducts can improve your family’s health by preventing airborne allergens from circulating throughout your home.

How dirty air ducts affect your family’s health

You may not realize it, but your home’s air duct system can be a breeding ground for mold, mildew, and bacteria. If these contaminants aren’t regularly removed from your air duct system through proper cleaning, they could affect your family’s health in negative ways. Read below to learn more about how dirty air ducts can harm you and how Ontario air duct cleaning services your vents can help improve your family’s overall health.

One way that dirty air ducts negatively impact your family is by exposing them to harmful biological pollutants like mold and mildew spores. When breathing in large quantities of mold or mildew spores, people are at risk for developing symptoms related to allergy or asthma, such as coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath. Additionally, certain people who have weakened immune systems are also at an increased risk for developing infections when exposed to high levels of biological pollutants present in unclean air duct systems.

5 Ways Dirty Air Ducts Affect Your Family’s Health

It’s not news that air ducts can be dirty and harbor mold, dust mites, and other contaminants. But just how dirty are they? If you have allergies or asthma, you may already have a strong opinion about that question. And if you don’t, it’s time to start paying attention. Here are four ways dirty air ducts affect your family’s health

1. Contaminated air ducts put everyone at risk for illnesses: A study conducted by Texas Tech University found that certain kinds of bacteria could linger in your home’s heating and cooling system for more than two years! This means when you turn on your HVAC system, those same bacteria get blown into your home’s interior—right where you spend most of your time. According to another study published in Microbial Ecology, people who suffer from asthma are particularly vulnerable to these types of infections. As an asthmatic myself, I know first-hand how important it is to keep my air ducts clean.

2. The effects of contaminated air ducts can last for generations: Not only do unclean air ducts pose a serious threat to your immediate health, but they also threaten your family’s long-term well being. For example, researchers discovered that one particular bacterium known as Staphylococcus aureus (or S. Aureus) could survive inside of an air duct system for up to three months! What’s worse is that S. Aureus isn’t even all that dangerous on its own. However, once it gets mixed with other pathogens like E. coli and Streptococcus pneumoniae, things can get really bad really fast.

3. Cleaning your air ducts will improve your indoor air quality: Have you ever wondered why some rooms in your house feel stuffy while others seem fresh and crisp? That difference is likely due to poor indoor air quality. In fact, according to Environmental Protection Agency estimates, indoor air pollution causes roughly 15% of all new cases of asthma each year. One way to improve your home’s air quality is by having your air ducts cleaned regularly.

4. Cleaning your air ducts can help you save money: Did you know that cleaning your air ducts every few years can help lower your energy bills? Well, it’s true! So You can Contact Ontario Duct Cleaning to schedule your service in Brampton. When your air ducts are clogged with dirt and debris, they become less efficient at distributing warm or cool air throughout your home. When that happens, you end up wasting energy trying to compensate for what should be happening naturally.

Author: Boris Petrov

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