The Advantages of a Turn-Key Home

A turn-key home is a new construction that includes all the finishing touches and is ready for occupancy.

It is easier than ever before to find the perfect turn-key finish home for your needs. There are many different styles of homes available, from traditional to modern, and you can customize the home to suit your tastes. You can also find a turn-key finish home with a yard or without, depending on what you’re looking for in the perfect property.

With so many options available, it’s no wonder that this option has become increasingly popular over the years.

What is a Turn-Key Home?

A turn-key home is a house that is ready to move into or occupy without any additional construction. It has all the necessary components, such as plumbing, electricity, and heating already installed.

The term “turn-key” can also be used in the context of a business, where it means that the business is fully operational and ready for customers. In this article we will concentrate on the advantages of a turn-key finish home.

What are the Benefits?

Buying a turn-key home is a great way to enter the real estate market, with minimal hassle. You can find turn-key houses in many different styles and sizes, so it is easy to find one that fits your needs.

A turn-key home may be built from modular or prefabricated parts. In this case the house has already been constructed in a factory and then transported to the site where it will be put together like a puzzle.

A turn-key building is usually cheaper than buying an existing house because the contractor does not have to pay any additional labour costs for constructing it on site.

A Turn-Key Home – Traditional Construction

The architect designs the layout of the house, and the builder builds it according to the design. The builder then hands over the keys to the homeowner, who can move in right away.

There are many benefits to building a turn-key house, such as having all of your needs met in one place without having to worry about finding separate professionals for every job. But there are also disadvantages, like not being able to customize your home as much or living with someone else’s design choices.

But the good news is that usually you can decide how much you like to get involved in the project. Most builders would let you choose colors, tiles, flooring etc. within a certain price range.

A Turn-Key Home – Prefabricated

A turn-key finish house that is prefabricated, is made in a factory and then assembled on site.

Prefabricated homes are also known as modular homes. These are assembled in a factory and then delivered to the construction site where they are put together. You can buy these houses from catalogues or from companies that specialize in this type of housing.

The process of picking from a catalogue means you have to find the house that fits your needs, order it, and wait for it to arrive to the construction site before you can start building it.

Prefabricated houses and modular houses have their own advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to understand these differences before you make your decision of buying one of them.


In conclusion, buying a turn-key building is great for people who are looking for a home that has everything they need and want. They don’t have to worry about the hassle of finding different contractors to install different things in the house.

3 Negotiating Strategies When Selling Your Home

Negotiating strategies when selling your home is essential to getting the best offer. Typically, the negotiation starts after a buyer has expressed the desire to buy your property. If you’re making the sale yourself, you’re more likely to talk and come to terms with the potential buyer. Here are some strategies you need to remember when negotiating: 

1. Countering The Terms Of The Offer

Potential buyers may suggest other terms to buy your home, such as seller/owner financing. Instead of the buyer making a down payment in cash after receiving a new loan from a financial institution, seller/owner financing makes you the lender. 

This term makes you responsible for some part of the financing. You’re providing sufficient credit for the buyer to cover the property’s price minus the down payment. The buyer will sign a promissory note with you and make a regular payment to you instead of the bank.   

The terms of the loan are specified in the promissory note. It includes the consequences the buyer might receive if they don’t pay the loan, the repayment schedule, and the interest rate. Since the buyer still owes you, you can hold the title until they can finish paying the loan. 

You can use this negotiating strategy if the buyer can’t qualify for a traditional mortgage from a financial institution or bank. However, you can only use this strategy if you don’t have any liens or mortgage on your home and own it outright. 

This strategy may be risky, but the best thing about this is that you could stand to make money if you offer a higher interest rate and shorter term for the loan. Thus, you may need to consult an attorney and real estate broker before considering such an offer. Or directly sell your home with if you’re in a rush because you won’t need to try such a risky strategy.    

2. Don’t Let Pride Or Emotions Take Over

Selling a home means parting ways with a property where you’ve created memories with your loved ones. It could get you teary, but remember that you’re selling it already. You may love it, but you shouldn’t let emotions control you when negotiating with a potential buyer. 

For instance, you may think your home is so great that you don’t want it to go below the price you’ve set. You’d be making a big mistake, especially if the buyer asked to lower the cost after they have made an inspection and discovered termites. A buyer may ask for a USD$2,000 discount from the total price, and you’d better consider it instead of thinking that your home deserves a better price. Although termites may be a pain, a buyer who still wants to purchase the home despite such but is asking for a discount is better than them walking away. 

If you don’t accept their offer, you’d need to declare such information to your future buyers. Having such a flaw on your property would lower the price even more. Instead of taking chances, why not consider the offer and not get emotional about the original price? 

3. Have An Expiration Date On Your Counteroffer

It’s not illegal to accept a better offer from another buyer. However, it’s unethical if you’re already negotiating with a potential buyer, even if you’ve countered the first buyer’s offer. But you should also remember that you can deal with several buyers simultaneously if you disclose it to potential buyers. 

You can frighten a buyer or get higher offers from disclosing such information. If you’re countering more than one offer, you should let all the prospective buyers know of such. It’s also best to have an expiration date on your counteroffers. That way, you can move on to another buyer or get your property under contract since you’re compelling prospective buyers to decide quickly. 

The strategy is to shorten the default expiration on your state’s standard, but don’t make it too short since this may turn off buyers. For instance, your state requires three days as the default expiration. You can make the deadline two days. Doing this is vital since your property is off the market when making a counteroffer. So, when a deal falls through, you’re making your house stay in the market longer. You wouldn’t want that since it could make your home stale, especially if you think that now is the time to sell your home


Selling your home fast is possible when you know how to negotiate correctly. You can ask an agent to sell it for you, but you don’t need to as long as you have negotiating strategies. You can deal with the terms, the price, or the expiration of the counteroffer. Whichever it is, try them so that your property will not stay on the market for too long.

Higher Interest Rates, Higher Prices for Materials – What it Means for the Construction Industry

This article will provide an overview of the current state of the construction industry, as well as what to expect from it in the future.

Construction projects are a major source of employment and economic growth, but they’ve been lagging in recent years due to a number of factors. It’s important that we take a closer look at these factors so we can better understand how they affect our economy and what we can do about them.

The construction industry is a crucial part of the economy. Construction jobs are projected to grow by 10% through 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It’s also one of the fastest-growing industries in the nation.

How Higher Interest Rates Affect the Construction Industry

Construction is a cyclical industry, and the market is currently in a period of expansion. However, higher interest rates can affect the construction industry in two ways. Firstly, they can lead to higher mortgage rates which will increase the cost of home ownership. Secondly, they can lead to decreased demand for homes which will decrease new construction starts.

Age Effect

The age effect is a factor that can cause the demand for housing to change. The changing of the factors in the population over time can impact on what people are looking for when they look to buy or rent a home. For example, older people typically want larger homes with more space and amenities due to their health and declining mobility. Younger people, on the other hand, want single-family homes with smaller spaces. Market conditions can also impact home values, meaning a property may be worth more during a boom or less during a bust.

How Expensive Material Affects the Construction Industry

The construction industry is a business that is highly dependent on materials. The cost of these materials can have a significant impact on the profitability of the company.

The price of materials has skyrocketed in recent years due to inflation and scarcity. This has made it difficult for companies to keep up with demand, especially smaller companies that cannot afford to pay higher prices.

The prices of these materials are not expected to change anytime soon, so companies will need to find ways to work around this problem if they want to remain competitive in the market.

One idea that is to build with cheaper materials, for example rammed earth houses. It is environmentally friendly, usually available on site and available at very little cost.

How to Prepare for a Future with Higher Interest Rates and Expensive Material

The conclusion is that the future of the economy is uncertain. We can’t predict the future and we don’t know how it will change. It’s up to us to prepare for any possible scenario – for example to consider alternative construction methods – and be ready for anything.

Thinking to buy a house? Have a look at our listings:

Rammed Earth Houses

Rammed earth houses are a type of construction that has been used for centuries. It is a sustainable building technique that uses locally-available materials and has low environmental impact.

Rammed earth, or some may also call it Adobe Construction, is a technique of building with natural, local materials, such as clay, sand, straw or water. The mixture is compacted to form walls and other structures. Rammed earth houses are durable and long-lasting; they require little maintenance and they provide excellent insulation against heat and cold.

How to Build a Rammed Earth House

Rammed earth is a type of construction that is done by packing earth, sand, and clay together to form a solid mass. The mix is poured into a formwork, compressed and allowed to dry. The mortar that binds the solid mass is either a clay mix or lime putty, and can be made from natural ingredients or manufactured. The Wikipedia article on “Rammed earth” is here.

Rammed earth is one of the oldest building techniques in the world. It dates back to at least 2500 BC with evidence found in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. The technique was used to build many famous landmarks including the Great Wall of China and parts of the Egyptian pyramids.

Nowadays, rammed earth houses are still being built around the world but they are not as common as they once were.

What are the Benefits of Building with Rammed Earth?

Building with Rammed Earth is a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to build structures. This technique has plenty of benefits, such as being energy efficient and carbon neutral.

In addition to the environmental benefits, Rammed Earth is also an energy efficient building technique. It’s a carbon-neutral building method that can be used in both warm and cold climates.

Rammed earth houses have excellent sound insulation and are fire and pest resistant.

The benefits of using this material for building are numerous. It’s strong, durable, easily available and inexpensive. The only downside to using rammed earth is the amount of time it takes for construction to be completed.

What are the Drawbacks of Building with Rammed Earth?

Rammed earth is a type of building material that is made by compressing layers of soil, gravel, sand and clay into blocks.

The drawbacks of building with rammed earth are primarily related to the high water content in the soil. When it’s used to build with, it will have an adverse effect on the stability of the structure. It also has a low thermal mass which will cause it to heat up quickly and cool down quickly.

Why You Should Consider Building Your Next Home With Rammed Earth

Rammed earth is a type of construction that is made by packing soil, clay, sand and other materials into a formwork. It has been around for centuries, but it is making a comeback due to its sustainable and cost-effective nature.


Building your next home with rammed earth will be the best decision you have ever made. It will not only save you money on construction costs but also leave behind a legacy for future generations to enjoy.

3D Printing and Homes: A New Era in Housing?

3D printing is an additive manufacturing process that can create complex shapes with the help of a computer. It uses a digital design to create an object layer by layer.

The benefits of 3D printed homes are many, they are environmentally sustainable, they can be created quickly and cheaply, and they can be made to order.

3D printing house is not a new concept in the world of architecture, but it’s becoming increasingly popular as the prices for 3d printers come down.

How to Print a House

3D printing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital model. It adds layer upon layer of material until the object is complete.

The first 3D printer was invented in 1983 by Chuck Hull, and since then it has seen many different applications and uses. 3D printing has come a long way from being just an industrial tool to now being used in our homes.

3D printers are becoming more affordable and available to the general public, so the process of printing houses is not as far away as we think it is. As a matter of fact, it has already started. Several homes were already printed. Usually they are printed in concrete, but also other more environmental friendly materials – like clay or dirt/earth – are very promising to become the next material of choice.

What is already be done on a small scale is scaled up now to print a real home.

The Future of the Housing Market

The future of housing is one of the most debated topics in the world. With a 3d printer and a blueprint, you can print your own house.

The idea of printing houses has been around for a while now, but it was always thought to be too expensive and not worth the investment. However, with 3d printing technology becoming more popular and affordable, it’s possible that this will be the future of housing.

Housing is a significant investment. That is why it is important to be able to know how the housing market will change in the future. The housing market is constantly changing and there are many factors that affect it.

The future of the housing market depends on many factors such as population growth, interest rates, employment rates, etc. The most important factor, however, is the availability of homes for sale.

Conclusion: Future of 3D printing Homes

3D printers are becoming more and more affordable, and it’s not a far-fetched idea to envision a future where we can print our own homes – because it is already here, 3D printed homes have been successfully “printed” in several countries around the globe.

The 3D printer, no doubt, is the future of housing. It is an affordable, sustainable, and efficient way to build homes for everyone in the world.

How to Fight Silverfish in Your House

We’ve all probably encountered them already at some stage, these small, wingless insects that are nocturnal and eat paper, fabric, and other organic substances. Yes, we are talking about silverfish. They are not exactly harmful but if they are too many it can be disturbing. So, let’s see how to fight silverfish infestations.

One way to fight silverfish is to use a vacuum cleaner to suck them up. You can also use a dustpan or a broom to sweep them up. The next step is to place the silverfish in a plastic bag and seal it tightly before throwing it away in an outdoor trash bin.

The Best Way to Control an Infestation of Silverfishes

Silverfish are one of the most common household pests and can be difficult to get rid of. However, there are a few tried and true methods that will help you get rid of silverfishes for good.

Don’t let an infestation of silverfish take over your home! Follow these simple steps to control them and keep them away for good.

There are two main ways to control an infestation of silverfish: physical removal or chemical treatment. You can use store-bought chemicals like boric acid or diatomaceous earth, or you can use natural substances like vinegar, dish soap, or boiling water.

You can buy traps or make your own traps to capture silver fish and kill them off. Some people use an empty cereal box with sugar or potato peels as a bait to make a simple trap. Others smear some honey on a paper – when the silver fish comes to feed on the honey it gets glued to it and is trapped.

How To Prevent A Silver Fish Infestation In Your Home

Silverfish are famous for their ability to eat through paper, clothes, and other organic materials. They can also survive in areas where there is little water. If you have a silverfish infestation in your home, it can be difficult to get rid of them. However, there are some preventative measures that you can take to keep them from coming back.

You should start by looking for any sources of moisture or food that attracts the silverfish. You should also make sure that your home is well ventilated so the silverfish will not have too much moisture to feed on.

Conclusion: How To Fight Silverfish

Silverfish can be a hard pest to get rid of because they are very resilient. They can go weeks without food and water. Also, they are not deterred by chlorine or most other common household poisons.

To prevent an infestation of silverfish, it is important to clean your home thoroughly. This includes vacuuming all carpets, removing cobwebs from ceilings, and cleaning up all spilled food in the kitchen. Silverfish are attracted to these areas so it is important that you make sure these areas are clean at all times.

One way to fight silverfish is by using a borax-based product in the cracks of your bathroom or kitchen tiles. This will dry out the silverfish eggs and kill them before they hatch. Another way to prevent an infestation of silverfish is by using an organic insecticide, such as neem oil or rosemary oil.

The Impact of War in Ukraine on House Prices

The war in Ukraine has had a significant impact on most economies around the globe – therefore it comes as no surprise that it also affects house prices.

Higher House Prices Due to Inflation

Especially, the conflict has led to an increase in inflation rates, you probably already noticed it, no matter which country you live in. In some countries – due to this inflation – prices are increasing faster than wages. As a result, people are getting poorer and possibly can’t afford to buy houses anymore.

Many people already gave up looking for the cheapest property for sale. There still are some out there but usually those are in need of some work and further investment to be able to live in them or rent them out.

The cheap houses for sale, now seems to be those that were just a normal price before. Especially in bigger cities there is a shortage of housing. Also, when it comes to creating new housing, they are usually luxurious expensive stuff – as there is just a lot more money to be made.

How the War in Ukraine Affects House Prices of Newly builds

First the pandemic and now war, those has been major factors in the shortage of building materials. This in turn has led to a considerable increase in the price of new build houses all around the globe.

Also the increase in gas and energy prices have been a great hit in the market. Running machinery on the construction site, having to pay higher wages – all of this contributes to an considerable increase.

This might be felt stronger in some countries than in others.

What are the Effects of War on Housing Markets?

Housing markets are always affected by wars. The effects of war on the housing market depend on a lot of factors, including the duration and intensity of the war, the location of the war, and how it affects other countries and other aspects of life.

War can lift housing markets in some cases. For example, during World War II there was a shortage in construction materials like steel and timber. This led to higher prices for these materials and an increase in demand for homes as people wanted to buy houses before they became too expensive.

However, most wars have negative effects on housing markets. For example, during World War I there was an economic depression that led to lower demand for homes because people were not earning enough money to afford them.

Conclusion: The Impact of War on House Prices

The conflict has led to a significant shortage of houses and higher prices for those that are available. This is due to the increased cost of construction materials, as well as the number of refugees fleeing from the conflict zone. These people need housing but there is not enough supply, leading to higher prices and shortages.

If you have a house for sale, now is a good time to get a good price for us.

List your house for free.

Retirement Villages vs Nursing Homes

We all get old, that is just a fact. How do we imagine our future as an old person? Where do we like to live? Here we will look at two options: independent living such as in a retirement village and living in a nursing home.

What is a Retirement Village?

Retirement villages are a type of retirement home that provide accommodation and communal activities. For example, they offer meals, social activities, medical care and other services to the residents.

Retirement villages were originally designed for elderly people who wanted to live with others in their age group. But nowadays, there are many different types of retirement homes that cater to various needs. Some even offer houses for sale, that they buy back again if you don’t need it anymore.

What is a Nursing Home?

A nursing home is a residential institution for the care of elderly people. It provides medical and social assistance to those who, because of age or infirmity, are unable to live independently.

Nursing homes are also often called “retirement homes.” The term “nursing home” is not just a euphemism for an old-age home or rest home. It refers to the fact that many residents require nursing care.

What are the Benefits of Living in a Retirement Village?

Retirement villages offer a variety of benefits for those who are looking to live independently but still have a sense of community.

One of the benefits is that they provide on-site or nearby medical care. Retirement villages also provide socialization opportunities for their residents and also offer activities for them to do during the day.

What are the Benefits of Living in a Retirement Village?

Living in a retirement village is a great way to enjoy your golden years. Not only is it good for your mental and physical health, but it also offers many other benefits.

Some of the most popular benefits of living in a retirement village are:

-You don’t have to worry about maintaining your property

-You can live with other people who are at the same stage as you are and share advice, experiences, and knowledge

-You have access to amenities such as swimming pools, spas, gyms, etc.

What are the Benefits of Living in a Nursing Home?

Living in a nursing home can be a great option for seniors who are unable to live on their own. Here are some of the benefits of living in a nursing home:

1. A nursing home is an environment that is designed to help people with disabilities, illnesses or injuries live as comfortably and safely as possible.

2. Nursing homes provide 24-hour medical care, which can be difficult to find at other types of housing.

3. The staff at a nursing home is specifically trained to care for people with special needs and works around the clock to meet those needs.

4. Living in a nursing home allows seniors to remain connected with their loved ones because they are surrounded by friends and family members who visit often and share meals together on weekends or holidays.

What are the Drawbacks of Living in a Retirement Village?

The main drawback of living in a retirement village is that it is not for everyone. For example, if you are a person who likes to travel and explore the world, then this might not be the best choice for you. Retirement villages are usually located in a remote area with limited access to public transportation.

What are the Drawbacks of Living in a Nursing Home?

There are many drawbacks to living in a nursing home.

Some of the drawbacks that people find most difficult are the lack of privacy, the lack of independence, and being unable to control your own life.

Nursing homes have strict rules about what you can do and when you can do it.

Conclusion: Which is Better for You?

The answer to this question is not an easy one. It greatly depends on your needs and what you are looking for.

I believe most of us would choose the independent living option and enjoy a more independent life as long as possible. But what if you start needing a little extra help? Or maybe it is not you but your spouse who will need more professional care. Unfortunately, there is a lot of uncertainty about what exactly your needs will be when you are old. Will you wish for more company, help around the house, or a more intensive medical help? When planning your future, it would be good to keep all of this in mind.

A great idea is also those retirement villages that have a small nursing home on site just in case.

Some find this to be a very good investment for the future.

Sell Land to a Builder – How Does it Work?

Why Would I Want to Sell Land to a Builder?

If you are looking to sell land, you might be wondering what the benefits of selling it to a builder are. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of selling land to builders.

Instead of just listing your property for sale you are offering it directly to the person who might be interested.

Selling your land to a builder can be beneficial for a number of reasons. The first and most obvious reason is that you will get more money than if you sold it on your own. Builders have more money and resources than individuals, so they can offer more cash for your property than an individual could. This means that they’re able to pay higher prices for the property and make better offers on price.

Builders also have connections with other developers who may be interested in buying or leasing the same property from them in order to build something new on it.

What is the Process Behind Selling a Land to a Builder?

Selling a land to a builder is a process that may take time and effort. The first step is to do research on the builder. You should know about their construction quality, project management, and customer service.

The next step is to find the right person of contact in the company. You can do this by looking at their website or by doing an internet search. You can also ask your friends who have worked with builders in the past for recommendations.

Once you have found the right person, it’s time to set up a meeting with them. This meeting should be scheduled at least 3 weeks in advance so that they will be able to give you their full attention and answer all of your questions without feeling rushed or distracted.

How Do Builders Evaluate the Property and what are their Needs?

Builders evaluate the property in various ways. They may not be looking for the same things as a home buyer. For example, they are interested in how long it will take to build on the property, how much it will cost to build on the property, and whether or not there is enough space for their desired number of units.

The builder’s needs are different than a home buyer’s needs because they want to know what it takes to develop and build on the land. Like this they can see if it makes sense for them financially.

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Preliminary Investigation – What is “Due Diligence”?

Conducting preliminary investigation is the first step in the site selection process. Due diligence is the process of investigating a property before purchasing it. This is to make sure that the property the builder is buying is in good condition and free from any potential problems.

The due diligence process starts with a physical inspection of the property. This is done to check for any possible issues or safety hazards. The next step would be to check the title of the property and ensure that there are no liens on it. They will also need to do some research on the current market conditions and prices of similar sites.

The last step in this process would be to have an environmental assessment done. This will uncover any potential environmental hazards that may exist on or near the land you are looking at buying.

The preliminary investigation should not be too long because you want to start negotiating as soon as possible. In fact, some investors will not even bother with a site visit if they are satisfied with what they can find out about it through their due diligence process.

What are Some of the Documents Needed for this Transaction?

The offer letter is a document for the seller of the property. It contains all the conditions, terms and specifications of the offer.

The offer letter includes information such as:

– The name and address of the buyer

– The price and date for which the property will be sold

– The date by which a response from the seller must be received

– Any other conditions that are agreed upon between both parties


The process of selling land to builders is not as daunting as it might seem. It is a logical step for those who are looking to sell their land and also want the best return on their investment.

This article has outlined the process of selling your land to builders and what you need to do in order to make a successful sale.

Are you a Secret Real Estate Agent?

The expression “Secret Real Estate Agent” almost looks like it was borrowed from some action movie. In reality it is a little bit less spectacular but, without a doubt, equally exciting.

What is a Secret Real Estate Agent?

“Secret Real Estate Agent” – does not mean you do this profession without being registered. Of course, also a secret (real estate) agent has to be registered and fulfil everything that is required by law. By “secret” we mean, that the agent is not publicly advertising a specific property he or she was asked to sell. He/she may not even have a website or advertise the business and in many cases the main profession is another real estate related profession, such as architect or engineer.

They are usually approached by a client who asks if they may know someone who would be interested to buy one of their properties. And that’s the only way there are allowed to sell it, by offering it directly to someone.

This might seem strange at first, but among certain groups that is exactly what they want. The best to explain this is by giving an example.

Seller doesn’t want to look like he needs money

In many cases the properties in question are from rich families. Having a certain popularity and their place in society they like to give no reasons for gossiping.

Huge estates can cost a lot of money in maintenance, tax and so on… If they actually don’t use it anymore it makes sense to let it go. This is regardless of their financial situation – nobody likes to throw money out of the window, no matter how rich you are.

Of course, if people see the big family estate for sale, the first thing they may conclude is that the family is in financial difficulties – that’s how people start talking…

That’s why it is better to sell it secretly – through a secret real estate agent of course.

Or in another case, the seller might be having an apartment block for sale and he doesn’t want his tenants to find out. Also, he would approach such agent, who will then go and talk directly to investors who may be interested to buy.

How does a Secret Real Estate Agent sell?

The only way you are allowed to sell it, is by offering it directly to someone. Or in some cases you are allowed by the seller to advertise it in another country. Like this you can get a foreign buyer.

It is a far more difficult job than a regular agent. You need a pool of good contacts, including millionaires, investors … etc. But of course, it pays off big time as the properties that are sold this way usually have a high value. You can find foreign buyers by listing real estate internationally.

Are you one of those agents? Then drop us a line and let us know how did you get started? Do you have any advice?